
2023-02-04    分類: 網站營銷

Marketing planning and organization
The Beijing website construction company luxuries China: early implementation of " viral marketing website ". Through a friend invited to join, website promotion. First in Colleges and universities to promote, pulling the friends, students enter the site. This is the site polymerization popularity period, is also about the site of the future success of crucial period. We will go through each university forum, post bar, college students' implementation of agent marketing. The concrete is mainly through a full range of three-dimensional extension, let everyone know the students union, the use of College Students Venture Alliance, and promote the students union.
Website for growth and development, our marketing target user first from the Yang'en University student, next to other colleges and universities to promote. The site has gathered considerable resources and reputation. But we in this era of marketing should be long-term and loyalty marketing. Our team didn't approve only based on the surrounding colleges and universities marketing. We hope that on some level city site promotion. Implementation of marketing in the " difficult " strategy. Such a result is not only to expand the popularity of the website, and their behavior and the region to promote the success of other people and city have a great role model.
Target market and its analysis:
Accurate market segmentation is the key to success of website promotion.
College Students Venture Alliance group of users based on college students or graduates, and others want to start their own businesses, or graduate students to provide services. These students are fashion and network chase and builder. These groups that stability and plasticity.
The university student to the network demand diversity, but mainly to entertainment. According to the " uses and gratification theory, " the university student to the network culture needs need for cognition, emotional needs, personal integration needs, social integration needs, ease the pressure on the need to wait. Among college students, network culture consumption demand is mainly manifested in the following aspects: through the network game, network music, network television, network literature achieve recreational demand; through blogs, podcasts and other activities in the expression of personal feelings, ideas, through the network; participate in discussions, chat to achieve emotional catharsis and self-regulation; via email, instant communication to realize social interaction and social participation; through blogs and other personal information demand, model self-image; use search engines, such as distance education learning and management platform for realizing personal knowledge updating. There is a college student and a parody of conformity psychology general. While our business platform should put the students the main field to expand, it needs a long-term and stable, the collective, have enthusiastic, and a number of ideas, and the ability to put into action the active member. And then gradually extended to other areas of reading forum, such that a plurality of patterns can meet in the present-day college students' diversified lifestyle, and more knowledge of thirst for knowledge, in order to adapt to the current fierce competition in the network.
Market promotion and means:
Search engine log
According to the analysis of medium or small website a lot of traffic comes from search engine website traffic, some eighty percent above comes from search, website construction can log in each big search, the majority of customers can be in Baidu search search network enterprise website.
Ads Search about
現在企業最常用的應是搜索競價的廣告,較常用的百度競價(百度目前新推出專業版)和google的關鍵詞廣告即Google AdWords 。
Now the most commonly used should be the search for advertising, more commonly used ( Baidu Baidu for the launch of the new professional edition ) and Google Google AdWords keyword advertising.
Search engine optimization
This is all common SEO website optimization, for enterprise website analysis, the relevant keywords in the search engine optimization, do, can be ranked in the search of the front, can bring for the enterprise relevant transformation.
For links to websites can also bring the relevant traffic and ranking, enterprises in the links to other websites relevance, and their own company website content related.
Website links
There are now many websites such as hao123265, but most enterprises to join the words more difficult, can look for industry website URL to join.
Purchasing chain
Search now included, inside the search website weight, if the site has enough good outside catenary, enterprise website will rank high, search results will more quickly, outside buying links to the attention to the site of the correlation and is indexed to normal.
BBS forum to promote:
不要直接發(fā)廣告: 這(zhè)樣(yàng)的帖子很容易被(bèi)當作廣告貼被(bèi)删除。
Don't send advertising: this post is easy to be used as the ads be removed.
用好(hǎo)頭像,簽名: 頭像可以專門設計一個,宣傳自己的品牌,簽名可以加入自己論壇的介紹和連接,要讓你論壇的連接灑遍互聯網的每個角落。
Use of avatars, signatures: avatar can be designed a, promote their own brands, signature can add their own forum for the presentation and connection, to let you forum connecting all over the Internet in every corner.
發(fā)貼要求質量第一: 發(fā)貼不在乎發(fā)貼的數量多少,發(fā)的地方多少,而帖子的質量特别重要,爲什麼(me)呢?因爲發(fā)的多,但總體流量不多,我們發(fā)貼,關鍵是爲了讓更多大額人看,變相的宣傳自己的網站。所以追求的是最終流量。所以發(fā)高質量的帖子,專注一點,可以花費較小的精力,獲得較好(hǎo)的效果。
The quality requirements of the first: the don't care about the number of how many, the place number, and post quality is particularly important, why? Because many, but the overall flow, we post, the key is to let more people see large, disguised to promote your site. So is the pursuit of the final flow. So high quality posts, focus on one point, can spend less energy, to obtain better results.




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